I recently got a day job at a pet supply store.  Since then, my girls
have been pooping in the wrong spots, both in and out of the cage.  THey
are also a bit more destructive, and have vowed to shred their new fleece
Someone suggested to me that they are upset at the change in routine, now
that I'm away from home more.
WHat can I do?  I work 9 am to 4 pm three to four days a week, and I can't
let them loose in my room the whole day unsupervised.  I certainly won't
give them away.  Can anyone help me come up with something?  Will I simply
have to fix it so they are out all day?
Also, how do I get them accustomed to the igloo?  Maybe I should introduce
it at a less stressful time?  I think they'll really like it eventually.
[Posted in FML issue 3390]