Dear M,
Hi, I was just catching up on my FML reading...trying to go through a whole
week's worth at once.  I read your last email (well not including today's
post-didn't get to that yet) and I have a thought for you.
I don't know the details or history re: your post for a buddy for your
fuzzy but, my sister just moved to CA and she has a friend who lives their
too named Helen.  Anyway, last I heard (about 3months ago) Helen's brother
was looking to get rid of his ferret because he just doesn't have/make time
for him/her anymore.  I don't know to much about the details...or what kind
you might be looking for..but if you're interested I could find out more
for you.
If memory serves me correctly (from the last pic I saw), I think it's a boy
and he looks like a chocolate sable about 2yrs old.  The guy is an adult
(20-30) so I'm not sure why he changed his mind.  I won't venture to guess
as I don't want to pass judgement on him.  I do know that he does care
somewhat because he did mention to my sis or his sis that he wouldn't just
dump the ferret off someplace, he'd keep him if he couldn't find him a
Let me know if you're interested.. [log in to unmask] :-).
[Posted in FML issue 3387]