First, I have a reason for posting privately that has nothing to do with
"hiding".  I have nothing against you.  I simply read the way you described
your property with car seats in the yard for volunteers to rest on and a
vending machine in the driveway, and based on your description, the visual
was not what I would want in my neighborhood.  That's all.  Sorry if
the way you described the property is not the way that it actually
looked/looks.  It was only constructive criticism based on the information
you supplied.
You might also want to think that perhaps there were complaints from your
neighbors.  I know for a fact in my neighborhood that several families have
made complaints (some jointly) about the appearance of another families
home, yet are still cordial to, even social with the family they complain
Again, I was basing my post on your description, nothing else.  I wish you
luck, we need all the shelters that there are and more.
[Posted in FML issue 3374]