mommie, auntie Carla and auntie Paige did a good deed last week.  i didn't
tell you about it cuz i didn't hear about it until now and last week's i
go help with my report by another aunt.
mommie and auntie Carla were on their way out last week when mommie spotted
a young raccoon by the side of the house.  mommie went to look at him and
noticed he was badly injured.  she went to get auntie Paige and the 3 of
them coaxed the youngster into a carrier and took him to the wildlife
sanctuary.  poor wee guy was hit by a car and later attacked by a cat or
other animal.  nothing could be done for him and he was helped to cross
the bridge.  mommie would just like for me to ask you all to remember him
in your thoughts and wish him a safe trip across the Bridge.
I want to thank Aunties Kay, Pam & Bunny for the Hammocks youa re sending
to us.  We kids just love our hammies and we especially love the ones made
by our aunties with love.
As for me, i do have some terrible news.  since Wednesday, my good eye has
begun to swell again.  i'm oozing green stuff from my eye again and mommie
is very sad.  it looks like i'll be going to the vets or Guelph (if i can
get an appointment) as soon as possible.  It's been almost a year since i
was this bad, and over 6 months since i've had to go to guelph for surgery.
Please keep me in your thoughts.
Love, Harley "Bug"
Miss Randy S.M. Belair & Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
[Posted in FML issue 3374]