Hello ferrety friends!
Well I have had my little babies since the 1st of July 2000, so I sometimes
may refer to them as the millenium babies!  but they were not born on the
new year so some people may be like, what is she on about!
Well any way, they we're spayed in January of this year 2001 and they have
now grown all of their fur back, Since I haven't been keeping up to date
with th FML I thought I should post and ask any way...what would it be like
if I added another adition when the kits are all born?  Anything different,
such as space woul be one, but food would still be the same, and like toys
would although you may love to add more!  Also who lives in the UK?  I live
in Tamworth in Staffordshire in the UK England!
Speak to you all soon
Snowy and Fluffy!
Kaye,Snowy and Fluffy!
ICQ Number 83438624
[Posted in FML issue 3386]