:: A robed woman pulling a wagon appears out of nowhere bearing gifts and
new for you all::
Hello ferret heads.  I have so many goodies for you today, I actually had
to take out some much needed depends from my wagon.  Are you ready?  Can
you handle all this?  Ok here we go.  ::digging through the wagon::
Aha!  Here we go with the first offering to you all.  A site..  a
hillarious short true account of a deaf ferrets attachement to a beanie
baby complete with photos:
Wolfy's Wondifferous World of Weasels...Ferrets, that is!!...Ping's Errant
Bull...a cute story...
And for those of you who would like to have known my little girl ferret
Jubilee that passed...... oh wait... this one is not done yet.  I need to
sit down and write a little something.... to her so that we have a memorial
page, and so that I can share her with you all.  I'll have to do that when
I'm up to it.
::stuffs it right back into the wagon::
::digs deeper in the wagon... white depends go flying::
OH oh..... ok heeeeeeeeeere we go..  oh gosh this is just huge huge huge
ferret heads.  You are all going to LOVE this.  Do you all know what
"Hotbars" are?  You know when you pull up your IE, or when you pull up
things on your windows 98+?  Hotbars are pretty graphics that go on top of
those windows decorating them.  Oh my you've just got to go try!  I found
one of our FML'ers has created a host of FERRET BARS!  Yeah!  They are
regular ferrets, funny ferrets, adv ferrets in fact,,, oh gosh and on of
Sean and Rocky kissing.... there is even one there for you rockers.  You
all must go see Kat's creations... they are gorgious!
If you do not already have hotbars a page will come up that you click on
to download the thing (it takes five seconds to do literally).  Then just
remember the site up there to go to.  Click on all the ferret ones you want
there to save them.  Each time you click on one, notice your pretty bar
will change!  If you have any trouble just email this robed one ok?
Oh gosh.... ::holds hand to her head:: vision..... visionS!  OH gosh.
Ok first... Oh..  some photo contest..  has been won by ... oh... oh...
::smiles::... lol I can not say.  I want the contest holder to announce her
own.  But you bet this robed one knows all the winners!  and... anoooother
vision..... this one is..  oh how cool.  It doesn't get any cooler than
this... a webpage for Kouri ferret... for his fan club with..  oh my
complete with recipe's?  woa.  It should be getting finished in the not to
distant future.  So you keep a look out for Mrs' Wood to announce that or
Kit the ferret president of the club or something!
:: She packs up her depends ..  sits in the wagon, and fitting being the
petite little flower she is... and zooms away::
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3373]