Hi all.  I was just wondering if anyone else out there has a problem with
their cell phone having legs?  Well, mine does.  They are kind of furry &
attached to Marty's body that is.  I got a new cell phone that you can have
36 differants rings.  He just won't have anything to do with this.  If I
can't find him I get out the cell phone & punch in one of the songs & in a
flash here he comes.  He grabs ahold of it, hisses at it & takes off with
it.  Then when he is satisfied that it's where he wants it he goes on his
merry way again.  What a show he puts on.  Anyway, it sure is an easy way
to find him now.  Have a great day!!!!
Jo & Marty
[Posted in FML issue 3380]