My thanks to all of you for your letters this morning.  Bitsey is doing
fine integrating.  I would rescue her when she would be afraid of another
ferret and cry.  I would race over and speak soothing words and kiss
everyone.  Now all but Little approve of her.  He is very ill, adrenal,
has insulinoma.  My sick ferrets don't like newcomers.  They are too weak
to wrestle for domination, and don't want a newcomer bossing them around.
The mother opposum that waddled onto the porch and dropped a baby right in
front of me is dead.  I am in tears.  I can clearly see her.  I took the
top off of the house.  A baby was suckling on her-bald embrionic looking
little one.  I DID call for help.  I did call the right people.  They told
me just to leave her alone.  They were wrong.  Dead wrong.
She came to me for help, and I could not get it for her..  But I did try
my best.  I called the people Midwest Exotic Animal Hospital told me to
call.Short of bringing a large full grown wild pregnant sick animal in my
home.  But I would have payed for her care.
It feels sooo disturbing and very sad.  We just keep taking away their
lands around here.  They need our help.  She came to me for help.  I
completely believe that.  I have probably been her main food and fresh
water source for years.  She sits next to my feral cat in the evenings to
eat, and knows my scent.  She sees me at the window most every night.
And now she is dead.
Thank you for all of your love
Please say prayers for this poor mother
and her babies.
[Posted in FML issue 3380]