>Subject: ferret cursors
> http://cometcursor.cometsystems.com/
>has 4 ferret cursors for downloading.  Very cute!!
Well, Sue, I have ferret cursers too.  I've told them to stop that, but
they just don't listen.  Mostly they curse when their tail gets stepped on
or someone has taken their toy.  Four of them for downloading?  Now I have
five, but I don't know about downloading them.  Last time I tried, there
was fur and ferret cursing everywhere.  Not a pretty sight or sound, I can
tell you.
Actually, I think five cursers is enough. Four more would just be too much.
As it is my grandson is picking up those ferret curse words, and is that
ever embarrassing at school.  How do you explain d**k, d**k, chu#$ckle
coming from a six year old?  Wait a minute.  You meant c u r s o r.  Never
[Posted in FML issue 3379]