Hi all
I have been loafing again.  Acting like a ferret and playing and
A little guy came in today named Max.  I gave him da tour of da place and
showed him all da sights and attractions.  He went over to da Fruit Bar and
where he tried a ot of different stuff.  He ate quite a bit of everything.
Then I thought we would head over to da Ferretvite Festival and where da
party is.  He met a lot of new friends.  He lapped up a bunch of ferretvite
there to.  I don't know where he put it all.  He maybe had a hollow paw.
He danced a awful lot with a lot of different partners so maybe he danced
it off.  After they closed up and threw him out he and his new friends
headed over to Hammock Haven to sleep it off together.  He said to send hiz
luv and lots of kisses to hiz mommy.
Another little guy named Ziggy came in later.  He waz met by Lillian,
Sylvia, and Molly.  They were happy to see each other and greeted him
warmly.  They sat down to learn all da gossip and news from home.  They
talked for some time.  Then they headed off to explore and see all da
sights and attraction.  I later seen them over at Dirt Mountain where they
were digging away to enlarge their den and tunnel system to accomadate one
more.  They said they were going to really enlarge it this time so if they
came across some friends there would be room for all.  They dug for some
time then took a break at da Babyfood Balconey to get a bite to eat and
replace their energy.  He said to tell his mommy not to worry and to send
lots of luv and hugs and kisses her way.
A little girl named Cleo came in later.  She waz met by Buddie and Wezzy.
They were happy to see her and there waz hugs all around.  Then they sat
down to get all da news and gossip from home.  After they had talked it all
out they headed off explore and to see all da sights and attractions.  I
later saw them over at da Sock Steal Game where they were grabbing socks
and stashing them as fast as they could.  They had quite a hoard of socks
to take to their hidey hole and stash.  They didn't win da game but they
didn't palce to bad.  They seemed to have a lot of fun at it anyway.  I
seen them later trying to find a place to stash them all in safety.  She
said to send lots of luv and kisses and cuddles to hiz mommy.
I looked up Murphy and Alladin in da puter thing.  They were over at da
Otter Slide plying in da water and splashing.  I remember them coming in
and they did make a pass at me but I am pretty agile for a little sprite.
Anyway I headed over there to let them know their daddy had hiz puter thing
working again and waz asking about them.  They said to tell you dat they
were great here and had indeed met up with Cloud Dancer and da clan here.
They said they are going to be right here when you get here.  They tried
to splash me then and I had to cut it a little short.  They did say to
pass on their luv and lots of kisses to their daddy.
I am off to run though some tubes and see how good I can do.  I have to
look for a real good partner though.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3379]