It has taken me 4 days to write this post.  I also want to apologize for
not thanking everyone who has helped out with Pet A palooza, thank you all.
I will also update later on some of the shelter ferrets I have been posting
about and the investigation on MF ferrets in Nevada.
Its with a very heavy heart that I tell you about Buster, our Rottie that
passed over to the Rainbow Bridge on Sunday night.
Buster was at a local pound 10 yrs ago and had 1 hour to live.  My son
Damian was 6 at that time, he was looking for a puppy but they had none.
He saw Buster and put his hand in the kennel to my shock, Buster was a 4
yr old large Rottie!  The dog grabbed his arm with his paws and held him,
my son said this is him MOM.  We were advised not to get him, he was not
a good dog, but a 6 yr old is very convincing.
Buster had many hard times adjusting but he was always there to protect us,
when I worked nights he watched my son, when I started the ferret shelter
he wanted to see the ferrets.  I was afraid he would hurt them so I never
let him near them.  But one day a ferret was missing, I searched all over
and finally listened to a weird sound from Buster.  I went to the back yard
to find him laying down with the ferret and watching his every move, and
he was making crying sounds.  I picked up the ferret and told him he was a
good boy, he found the ferret.  This became his job, even though he never
really found another ferret, we would let him "find" one, it seemed to make
him happy.
On Sunday April 1st, Buster became ill, we rushed him to the emergency vet
late at night.  After doing an x ray we found a large liver tumor, but he
never was sick until then.  Being 14 yrs old my son decieded that we were
not going to put Buster through any more surgeries.  it was the hardest
thing my son has ever had to do.  i am proud of him for being so grown up.
Buster will be privatly creamated and be with all the shelter ferrets.  I
know he is watching them at the Rainbow Bridge and keeping them out of
harms way.
We miss you Buster and will always love you and never forget you.
Cj and Damian
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3379]