Hello everyone!
I was wondering if any of you know about any upcoming ferret shows in the
Las Vegas area?  I have searched on-line, but must not be going to the
right sites!!
I live in Ohio, so any newsletters and club information I receive, normally
only has information about East Coast area shows.  I am trying to help
someone who stopped by my web site (must have seen some of the photos from
shows I have been to), and she e-mailed me concerning shows in her area,
Las Vegas.  This is her first ferret (until ferret math strikes!!) ....
and she said she did not know anybody else who owns a ferret, so she has
no one to ask about shows, or ask ferrety questions.  :-(
Soooo, if anybody knows of shows in Vegas, let me know, and I will forward
the information to her (I will only include your email address and/or name
if you say it is okay).  Also, I was thinking that if any of you know of
(or are) a shelter or club in the Vegas area, a first time ferret owner
would probably appreciate that information too!
  ~~ Terri  ~~      and the "Sensational Six"
Taz & Cocoa & Corky & Maverick & Renegade & Rigby
[Posted in FML issue 3379]