Hello fellow ferret lovers!
My name is Meghan Gwalchmai, Im a 3rd year university student at Acadia
University in Nova Scotia Canada.  I am also a ferret mom!  I got "Rascal"
about a year ago from a friend of mine who was going far away to continue
his education.  I had known her for years before that.  Shes about 5 years
old, and shes just the cutest thing on the planet.  I think ferrets are
the best thing since sliced bread.. :c)
Ive been having a bit of trouble littertraining her though, but i picked
up some advice from the list, that I think im going to try.
I also have a bit of trouble with her smell.  It doesnt really bother me,
im not the most houseproud person out there (is any university student??)
but my roomates dont like it.  I was just wondering how often i should
bathe her?  And if theres anything in her diet I should change..  she eats
regular iams kitten food..(should i change that too?  its what he fed
her..) I find that the smell lingers most in her bedding, so ive tried
changing that as often as i can..  I have this stuff called "ferret-off"
thats like a daily perfume spray..  is there anything else out there that
works better?  Any advice would help.  I dont find the smell that bad, but
i woud like to try something, in order to be able to keep my rasc'!
Another thing... I would love to get another ferret for her to play with!!
Im in classes mostof the day, and I feel bad with her puttering around all
by herself in my room.  Im just worrid that maybe shes too old.  She hasnt
been around other ferrets since she left her breeder years ago!  I dont
want to get one, and then the two of them kill each other or something.
What do you all suggest?  I know from reading your stories of 3, 4, 6+
ferrets...more is merrier!  But Rascal is my #1 and i just want her to
be happy! :c(
Meg and Rascaaaal the trubbamaker.
[Posted in FML issue 3377]