Hi folks,
Well, everyone one in my gang lost weight this season change.  Their hair
thinned, and they turned into skinny minnies.  When Cael didn't fill out
after a couple weeks, I knew something was wrong.  I kept hoping for the
best, and scrimped and saved for the day I knew I would have to take him
to the vet.  He is eating, and a little dehydrated, but drinking plenty.
Took me a while to get enough money together for the visit, antibiotics,
and the tests I knew were inevitable.  Then, last night his poop was
liquid, I knew it couldn't wait any longer.  In just over 24 hours, he
lost a lot of weight, and with the diahrea, I knew.
So I took him to the vet first thing this morning.  A truly lovely
Saturday morning.  Bright and sunny, and Lincoln is having an airshow
this weekend, so the skies are filled with shiny birds.  Upon a quick
palpitation, the vet announced Cael's kidneys, both, are twice as large
as they should be.  He gave me antibiotics and the usual cautions about
dehydration and making sure he is eating and drinking, for the symptoms.
His opinion is that it is either lymphoma or kidney tumors.  Neither will
be pleasant, but I find myself hoping he has lymphoma.  At least then
there might be some treatment.  The vet's opinion of the kidney tumors,
since it appears to effect both, is that there will be very little we can
do.  Tuesday, my Cael goes in for a needle aspiration of his kidneys.  We
will know then what we are dealing with.
I have been crying since last night around 10:00.  He is only 3.  He is my
boy.  My second baby, I purchased him as a kit, about two months after my
first darling joined my household.  They are the best of friends.  When I
saw him at the pet store, I fell in love with him.  He had a lion's face.
A sweet pink nose, lovely ruby eyes.  He stole my heart then, and when he
goes, I am afraid he will take it with him.  And what will Mira do when her
life-long friend goes?  With my other two boys, and Tasha-girl to comfort
her, I hope she will make it through.  But I fear she will follow close on
his heels.  Their bond is so strong.  I am at my wits end this afternoon.
Melissa Barnes
Cael, holding on.
Mira, Tasha, Robin and Nietzsche
[Posted in FML issue 3402]