A friend of mine saw a display of crystals in a pet store and thought of me
and my zoo.  The display had the crystals in a litter pan with a bottle of
water next to it.  You could squirt water into the pan and see how well the
crystals worked.  The crystals did what they were supposed to (and very
well from the way she described it).  But she decided to touch them to
see what they felt like afterward.  I think she said they felt dry, but I
really don't remember.  A couple of minutes later she rubbed her eye.  Just
the residue that was left on her fingers completely dried out her eye.  She
said her lid was stuck open for 5-10 minutes.  Her eye was watering but it
was being sucked up as fast as it was coming out.  If they can do that to
your eye just from the residue, imagine what the full crystals can do with
a butt-scoot.  Ouch!!
Hugs to the fuzzies!
[Posted in FML issue 3400]