[JM] wrote:
>The article also stated that it was JUST ONE DOSE of Lupron depot
>(monthly version), and it was not given on a monthly or frequent basis
>after that one dose.  Plasma hormones levels were measured before and 3
>to 6 weeks after that 1 dose.  This study was just to verify that the
>adrenal hormones were lowered by Lupron depot.  Some of the ferrets had
>improvement for up to 8 months after just ONE dose.  I agree with Dr
>Williams that this product is for those nonsurgical cases, but when given
>on a frequent basis it also does a good job of controling the clinical
>signs for a long time.  The article also states, "It is possible that
>repeated injections may suppress clinical signs for prolonged periods..."
>which is what I have seen in the past 3+ years of using Lupron on adrenal
Agreed.  Another interesting fact in this article which does not appear in
the abstract is that the author states that adrenal gland tumors in ferrets
have LH (luteinizing hormone) receptors in them, which gives an insight as
to why leuprolide may work in ferrets - in short, it suppresses pituitary
production of LH, which may be a trigger for hyperplasia or tumorigenesis
in the adrenal cortex of the ferret.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
 Subject: Re: Adrenal surgery vs Lupron therapy
I'll also agree with Mike and Dr Williams.  In a 2.5 year old ferret that
is in good health surgery is the best option.  A chance to remove the
adrenal gland(s) is my first choice.  Ultrasound is an expensive test with
only a little return.  If your vet wants to ultrasound your ferret's heart
because of a heart murmur then it is the best thing to do.  However if the
game plan is to ultrasound the adrenal glands to see which one to remove
then it is a waste of your money.  When you do the surgery you have to
check both adrenal glands!  Plus the pancreas, spleen, liver, lymph nodes,
etc.  In my opinion Lupron depot is best used on ferrets that are old or
have other problems that would make surgery and anesthesia too risky.  I
would simply ask your vet "why Lupron instead of surgery?".  If there is
a good reason for not doing surgery (heart problem, etc) then go with
Lupron; however, if the reason is because your vet does not like to do
adrenal surgery then it is time to find another vet.
Jerry Murray, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3398]