Ok, this was too funny not to share.
My sister just adopted her second special needs child.  She lives in
Nevada, and they have many kids who were turned over to the state for one
reason or another.  We got her first at 10 (she will be turning 13 in June)
and now we have an 8 year old.  My husband and I got to meet her for the
first time at Easter when they came down to my Mom's house.  She was
disappointed when I didn't bring my babies over....All the pictures they
have of me are with the babies.  So the next day I packed up my little
ones and we all went to Grandma's.  I knew they were excited when they
spent 15 min in and out of the carrier waiting for Daddy to get out of the
shower.  (and people don't believe ferrets have any intelligence...mine
know that a carrier + leads + their baby bag = road trip)  Anyhow, for the
rest of the day, my babies entertained my nieces.  I watched as Tonya
showed her new sister how to pick up the babies, how to hold them, how to
walk them, ...and of course she fell in love.  She came running in after
dinner to ask me if she could get my "ant eaters" out of the carrier
and play with them.  We laughed and reminded her that they were called
ferrets...then 10 min later she ran in to tell me that my "parrots" and
used the litter box.....by the end of the night we had her calling them
the right thing.....But last night when she called to say hi she wanted to
know how my "ant eaters" were doing *sigh*....so somewhere in Nevada some
confused teacher thinks that a crazy lady owns ant eaters as pets *grin*
[Posted in FML issue 3398]