Hi folks, and Wolfy!
I know, this isn't exactly ferret related, so I hope BIG will let it
I know the month is almost over, and since I don't get Modern Ferret, (at
this point in my life, that is one more bag of food I can buy for the
ferts,) I don't know if they mention it in the article about Sean and Rocky
or not, (CONGRATS WOLFY!!!) but April, appropriately enough, is National
Autism Awarenss Month.  Bad me for taking this long to mention it.
Please visit this link:
This page describes the purpose of National Autism Awareness Month, along
with providing links to download and printable Adobe Acrobat files of the
following: A statement which you can present to your state officials
declaring April National Autism Awareness Month, a packet containing
press releases and public awareness announcements, and an order form for
autism-related materials.
Also, visit the rest of the Autism Society of America's site.  There is a
whole bunch of really great material there.
Wolfy, I should have given this link to you for the robed one to bring.
Sorry.  But happy April!  And Yeah to you and Sean and Rocky!
Melissa Barnes
Mira, Cael, Tasha, Robin and Nietzsche
[Posted in FML issue 3398]