Dear C.J.,
Mommy found something - TOOTHBRUSHES for ferrets.  They're real cool,
small with rubber-type bristles.  She's using it on us (we started on that
play-date with Em and her kids).  Of course, we have better things to do
than get our fangs brushed, but you know hoomans.
We were wondering... if hoomans with fur-kids are interested in these,
Mommy would be willing to sell them to benefit your shelter... let us know
your thoughts on this weird idea... she doesn't have any to sell now ('cept
ours of course and even tho we could live without it we know it's "for our
own good" so we're not giving ours up!).  I must say, we DO steal Mommy's
big toothbrush if she forgets to put it way up high...hahahaha.  Then she
has to put hers in the dishwasher if she wants to use it again.  Oh well,
such is life.
Anyway, if people email Mommy and want to get some for their kids... 24
Carot Shelter could benefit...?  Let us know your thoughts.  Of course,
the technically-challenged dummy will have to (finally!) figure out a way
to scan a picture and get it on the web (maybe Em could teach her).
Bobo & Niko
[Posted in FML issue 3398]