Hi you guys-- JERIMIAH HERE!
and boy have I got a story for you!  Seems the Spring time always brings
more things to do.  And yesterday shelter MOm took Big ol Bear in for his
tummy reduction visit at the vets-- I think the hooks him up to a suckee
machine like we have here for the rice that we spill in the bucket-- and
they pulls all that water out so he can walk better!  Yep, that's what I
think.  Well she is workin kinda hard to get all the things done-- us all
tidied up and such before she goes to the PA ferret show to sell hammies--
check em all out so I can have some more cheerio's okay??  ANyway, today
was Rex's turn to go see the vet for a Lupron treatment-- well Mom was
hurrryin up cause the TF delivery truck was coming with lots of food for
all of us and she needed to be back to unload it.  BUT the darndes t thing
happened on her way back the traffic stopped ... it stopped and stopped
and stopped and she and Rex was ust sittin there in old Green the rolling
ferret transport machine.  They couldn't go anywhere.  They sats there
about 1 1/2 miles form the shelter for over an hour.  Finally the gas was
getting a little low-- Mom was runnin AC so Rex would be comfy as we got
so much sunshine all 2 feet of snow melted in 1 day and now we are really
feeling like sunshine!
Anyway she finally had to park the van and walk with Rex back to the
shelter.  Poor ol' Rex he was all shook up from bouncing in that carrier--
so glad to be on the shelter floor again-- I bet he won't want to go in big
Green again anytime soon!
What they saw was a pick up truck had crunched into a tractor trailer truck
head on Main Street.  That made all the traffic stop and a helicopter had
to take some poor human to his vet-- sure hope me makes out okay-- there
was pieces of the pickup truck everywhere as they cut it all into little
pieces!  Wonder if we can have some to play in we could make a play truck
castle!  But we can't get any TF food today I guess we is gonna have to
wait a whole week now as no traffic was allowed through for most of the day
while they is taking pictures and vestigatin' and such-- SO we can't have
company today-- Come by tomorrow instead!
Mom said she is glad anyway she is beat and her knee doesn't want to go
anywhere right now-- so we all get to play like nothing special happened
and eat plain old Superior Choice for a week-- I sure hope she gets more of
them 8 in 1 ultimate stars too!  I like them but not as much as cheerio's,
ferretone and nutrical for sure!
I guess Mom is pretty busy cause she is trying to get stuff organized for
shelter Dad who did such a good job last time he took care of us he gets us
for 4 days this time!  Least this time he doesn't have to worry about buddy
Cornelius who is safe and happy and giving kisses to his new Mom Mary in
NY.  This will be great 4 days of stealing ferretone & nutrical I cannot
complain! :)  Sheter Mom will see all the PA folks Saturday and Bears
Secret Santa wants to meet her too!  I jest worry about Bear-- he really
might miss shelter MOM!  Maybe I will let him know that she will bring him
back something special.
In case you is wondering Mom put some special hammies on ebay and some
other fun stuff too!  There is a GIANT TUNNEL Sack form the kind folks at
The Ferret Store too-- I wanted her to give it to us-- I will have to work
on her some more sow we can get one to run through..  check these things
out and I am sure there will be more stuff when she gets back with all her
trip adventure stories-- but none of them will be as good as the story
Rex just tol me!
Galaxy Space sleeper ends  4/26
Fairy Tale special sleeper ends 4/26
Giant Tunnel Sack ends 4/29
Unicorn RARE print  ferret sleeper  ends 4/30
2 NEW issues Ferrets Magazine ends 4/29
2 issues Modern ferret Magazine ends May 1
Ferretwise logo pen ends 4/30
Have a nice week-- sure hope the weather holds maybe we will get to play in
a tub of dirt!  ;)
Your friend Jerimiah!
Jr Mascot, Ferret Wise shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3398]