Hi All!
Anyone have any info on ferret knowledgeable vets in the Southeastern
Kansas/Southwestern Missouri area?
I took my lil Ryo into see a local vet who's receptionist said that he
regularly saw ferrets and were comfortable with treating them.
After basically just getting his distemper shot (I asked to make sure he
had the right kind as well as the right rabies vac.) I had to prompt him
to check Ryo's ears (he had dark red/blackish wax) and he said he couldn't
find any mites.  I then asked him about ECE and (uh-oh) he had no idea what
it was..  Sooo I need some help.
I also need a good herp (reptile) vet asap too...
I'm beginning to feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere lol.
Night & Ryo
-- Ryo Gallery! Visit: http://www.nightshifter.com/ryoweb/ --
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-- (About me?) ((Ask for my profile address.))             --
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-- Yum I love fresh Spam! (I use http://spamcop.net) =)    --
[Posted in FML issue 3372]