My 6 - 7 year old male, Jerry, who I rescued in 1996, just went to the
bridge about 15 minutes ago.  My husband and I had been sitting up with him
and knew it would happen soon.  He was wrapped in a blanket and was very
comfortable.  He had advanced insulinoma, ulcers and the beginnings of
adrenal.  Through it all, he was always a good sport taking his medications
and eating well.  He was pretty energetic right up to the end, and he was
very loved.  He will be missed by his brothers and sisters and mommy and
daddy.  Sandee, please show him around and introduce him to some lovely
ladies up there, okay?  Tell him to find the others and that mommy and
daddy will see him up there some day.
Thanks honey.
[Posted in FML issue 3364]