I just had to post about my possible new addition.  Last night I was at the
shelter.  Two new kids had just come in the previous night.  One was a cute
little boy named Tipper.  He is a sheltland/blaze/mitt cutie.  But I want a
girl.  A young girl.  To even out the numbers/sexes, you see.  So the other
kid who came in (both were strays) is named Sarah.  She has a black nose,
white feet, and a silver mitt-type mask, only she's dark like a sable.
Estimated at about 2 years old.  Very mellow and laid back.  They have to
keep her for ten days in case someone claims her (we'll be on vacation
until 4/1 anyway) and the vet is seeing her Monday.  The only stipulation
is that she must get along with either Joey (who is kinda a loner) or the
other 4 (with Miya & Nina, who I like to call the Alpha and Vice Alpha).
If she can't integrate with either playgroup, then we can't keep her
because we're only able to do two playgroups a day due to our work
schedules.  So wish us luck that A) She isn't claimed, and B) She gets
along with Joey, or at least the other kids.  I can't wait to get back
from vacation and give her a test drive ;oP
Yes, I am again "trolling the FML for volunteers" whoohooo!!!  We need a
volunteer for the Greater Chicago Ferret Association shelter (located near
Brookfield Zoo) for Monday nights.  If anyone can help out, even if it's
temporarily, please email me or call the shelter for more info
708-442-8650.  You can visit their website at http://www.gcfa.com.  We
could also still use a volunteer for Tuesday afternoons.  So if you can
volunteer a few hours of your time Monday nights or Tuesday afternoons,
please contact us!
And one more thing, I've taken the plunge and have asked to be added to the
GCFA ballot for a board member position (board of directors).  So if you
are a member of the GCFA, please vote!  The election will be held Friday
April 13th, or you can vote absentee.
Amy M. & the Renegades of Skunk (plus one?)
Visit Miya, Nina, Rascal, Jack, and Joey at their website:
[Posted in FML issue 3364]