Two possible stimulants for ferrets:
1. K-mart is selling Easter Baskets that are small, medium, or large,
wrapped, and have that fake grass.  There are toys in them for girls and
boys with some wrapped candy.  I got one for my neice, but part of the
clear plastic ripped when I was taking off the price tag.  So I let the
fur monkeys at it--With Supervision.  Each day they get a few minutes to
tear around inside the plastic.  They are really enjoying themselves.  I
love watching them.
2. I rolled up a 6 by 6 rug that I was going to throw out.  They had dug
a hole clear through one area.  Instead, for the next week or so, I am
rolling it up in various ways for them to explore and bounce around on.
Boxes inside the roll, with blankets in the small boxes for them to sleep
on, is what is going on today.  Tomorrow I am going to try resting the rug
while it is losely rolled on a chair so they can run up the rug inside of
it, or outside of it..
It is these little things that gives them stimulation--that makes them
happy.  I believe that this is a key factor to their happiness along with
companions, health, space to run around, and my interactions with them,
their mornings of fresh air, their large bowls of fresh water and ice
cubes:.  I may be crazy--but my ferrets smile.  I see it.  I can see when
they do not.
The basket and the rug are making my guys smile these last few days.
[Posted in FML issue 3363]