The ad in the paper read "two ferrets, one male, one female, descented and
spayed.  Looking for good home.  3 story cage included.  $10.00"
Their original Mom had gotten them when while going to college at
University of Connecticut and was off to grad school.  She didn't feel
that she could give them the time they deserved and she wanted them to be
I was not looking for a ferret that day but my friend found the ad and got
me to call.  When I saw them I though they looked strange.  I had never
seen silver mitts before.  The sweet little girl danced all around and
dooked.  The big handsome boy rolled over so I could rub his tummy.  I was
hooked!  I went home to think about what I was getting myself into.  Three
days later they came to live with me.  I bought them a pet corral thinking
they would stay in it, sure they would.  After they jumped out of it I
began to chase them before they could run into the kitchen.  The tiny
little girl began dooking and war dancing toward me as I ran backward
from her!  A 150 pound woman running backward from a 1 pound ferret!
So here we are, celebrating our second year anniversary together.  My
house, which is filled to the ceiling with toys, snuggies, balls, etc.,
and my life has never been the same.  I have met some of the kindest people
on this list.  And while I never realized that people could be so cruel
sometimes in their treatment of animals I have seen people who don't know
each other come to the aid of a fellow ferret lover just because we have
these little creatures in common.
So tonight I celebrate my life with Butch and Maggie and also with the kind
and caring people of the FML.  Thank you all for helping us and each other
when we needed it.  Thank you BIG for arbitrating the squabbles between
individuals and moderating a list that is a wonderful source of information
and support for the ferrets and the people owed my them.
Now I think we'll open our gifts and have a few drinks of ferretone (them
not me) and look forward to many more years together.  We have many more
adventures to come!
Connie, Butch, and Maggie (who are not spoiled but very, very, well loved)
"I am sometimes asked, "Why do you spend so much of your time and money
talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?
I answer, "I am working at the roots."
George T. Angell
[Posted in FML issue 3362]