Hi Melissa.
No need to apologize about not having money available.  I used to have a
stash of money set aside for the pets, but after 2 chordomas, 4 adrenals,
1 spleen removal, 1 case of EE, 1 blockage(feline), 2 dentals, numerous
biopsies and one euthanasia, all in 1 year, there's nothing left.  And
that's not to mention the repairs to my car.  No, you have nothing to
apologize about.  These things happen to everyone, no matter how prepared
you think you may be.
As for Nietzsche's ouchie (rhymes, don't it?), it does sound like a
possible burn that may already healing (due to the furless surrounding
area).  Alternately, the thought that jumped out at me was that it could
also be a spider bite.  I had one 2 years ago and still have a mark from
it.  Spider bites look just as you describe: a black scablike center with
a surounding area of red irritation.  Keep an eye on it because they tend
to get worse before they get better.  Mine went from the size of a dime
to about 4 inches across!  Keep the area clean and dry but don't cover it
unless Nietzsche starts to scratch at it.
I'm sure others will have other ideas as to what this might be.  I hope
they post to the FML also, because I would like to learn as well.
Good luck and I'll send good thoughts Nietzsche's way.
[Posted in FML issue 3344]