Our five has grown to seven (plus 4 borders) today.  We agreed to babysit 4
ferrets while friends are on vacation.  They arrived at our house Thursday
Well, Norman goes to work this morning.  Early afternoon a couple of
college students dropped off 2 (18 month old) male ferrets at the Pet
Store.  They were going out of town for Spring Break and really didn't
want the ferrets anyway.  Normally the pet store doesn't take them in from
owners, but Norman said we could take care of them.  Then I get a call from
him before I go to work telling me about it, asking "can we take care of
them for awhile until we find them homes."  What could I say?  No?
When I got off from work and picked Norman up at Pet Co, he brings out
these 2 beautiful babies - Dark chocolate sables.  One has a black nose,
the other has a white bib, 4 white mittens and a white mask around the
eyes, etc.  They have thick, gorgeous fur and very sweet temperments.  The
students who dropped them off didn't leave any info on names, vet, food
they were eating, anything exxcept age and "current on rabies shots".  They
are in great condition, so we have to assume they were well cared for, but
I wish we had more info.
I don't understand some people, but it looks their loss, is our gain.
They quickly wormed their way into our hearts and homes.
They and Norman look at me like can you really give us away - aren't we
too cute to not keep!  What could I do but agree.  And, find them names.
The 2 new members of our household are Mittens and Saint Patrick (or
Think we can fool my daughter, Melissa, into thinking she is seeing
things - that 7 is really 5?  Oh well, she's moving out in August, so
will have more room then.
and Norman & the 7 fuzzy and sweet terrors:
Bandit, Rascal,  Frisky, Sassy,  May, Saint Patrick (Paddy), and Mittens
Plus the 4 visitors (Diva, Bonzi, Rembrandt, and Taffy)
from Lawrence, KS
[Posted in FML issue 3360]