We finally made a real connection with one of our local pet stores.  We
have been holding an information booth there once a month for the last
three years to educate/inform/talk to people who are interested in getting
a ferret.  This way it lets people know that we are there if they need us
or just answer any questions.
Well anyway our wonderful Pres.  came up with the idea of running an
orientation class in conjunction with the booth and it's a big hit with
the manager.  This way anyone wanting to get/or just bought a ferret will
be educated in ferret care and health in a seminar.  The greatest part
was they went through the ferret toys and supplies.  There was a toy that
we have been trying to get removed from the shelf for three years with a
ferret picture on it.  The toy was deadly as it was made of a soft foam-can
you say blockage?  When told about it the manager removed the toy from the
shelf right on the spot and is returning it to the manufacturer.
This goes to show persistence pays.  We know that people are going to buy
ferrets whether we are there or not.  But just through the info booth
alone, many people once they know what is involved, have decided that a
ferret isn't the pet for them and the ones that do decide to get one or
the people that ask questions leave with factual and helpful information.
Now anyone who has purchased a ferret when we are not there will be able
to attend a special education class to learn more about there fuzzy.
There is nothing better than information and education of the public about
these wonderful pets.
Kathy and the Ferret Collective
[Posted in FML issue 3360]