Hello all-
The following message was posted on the fml within the last couple of
weeks.  We tried to email you Mary, but the message just bounced back.
>Date:    Mon, 26 Feb 2001 08:43:02 -0800
>From:    Marie Schatz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: 2 ferrets need rehoming - MI
>I had a call on my message machine from a woman looking to rehome to
>ferrets.  I haven't called back and on got the details yet - I'm sort of
>out of the loop on the shelter situation in Michigan
>anyone interested?
>Shelters?  This is in Battle Creek, MI
So, please email me if the ferrets are still looking for a home, or we can
help out in any way.  There are several shelters in the area who could
help.  Thanks
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3360]