I bought the octopus hammock for my kids.  It's adorable, and I'm always
looking for something new to entertain the little weasels.  Poo was
fascinated by the thing for about five minutes - Oona and Snoopy completely
ignored it.
Later, I removed all the bedding from their cage to be washed except for
the octopus hammy.  Later, when I returned to refurnish the cage, Snoopy
was crammed in the hammy, all by himself, head and feet hanging from the
octopus' mouth - the girls were off napping somewhere else in the room.
Snoopy's a fairly big ferret, but not huge, and the opening in this hammock
is really small.  My gang was thrilled to have their plain old hammy back,
with room for everyone to pile into at once.  Maybe other ferrets will like
these better than mine did.
Cheri, Poo, Oona, and Snoopy
[Posted in FML issue 3359]