I am sorry for the mix up.  I wish to explain please.  Someone emailed me
something, and I hit "reply all" by accident in replying to a few friends..
and I do mean only a few about some fun ferret related topic.  How Heidi's
name got on an email between a few friends is beyond me but I'm sorry it
did, I had nothing to do with that.  I am guilty of not double checking
the addies before hitting "reply all" as were others I presume.  Heidi you
emailed me and were very polite in requesting not to be emailed.  I was
very appreciative of this.  You were a very good sport, I wrote you and
told you so.  I made sure you were not in any emails I replied to after
that.  You then emailed me like four more times in two days to delete you
from my "group", I have been offline,,,,nothing was kicked back, I recieved
your request, and made sure of my addies after that and that you were not
on any of my emails there after.  If others are emailing you by some
accident I'm sorry.
There was no spamming from my part ever.  And there are no "groups",
nor have I ever ever taken a name off this list unless to email them
personally.  Please I wish no one to think this as it is untrue.  I have
been part of the fml for a year and a half.  I would think my reputation
for net etiquette and what kind of person I am should precede itself
actually.  I work so very hard to be considerate of all.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3343]