I look around and see the twitching of their noses, as their eyes follow my
progress.  Every step I take is planned and still there's one there to get
under my foot.  They hide from me, and when I'm not prepared, they are here
to steal my balance.  That isn't all they take, but it's in their nature to
steal and who can argue with Mother Nature.  I will catch one of these
elusive beings, as I wish for eternal fuzziness.
These little furry creatures are magical beings.  They can appear and
disappear in the blink of an eye, coming and going with no notice.  They
are among us, and we must be careful.  To catch one is to have your every
wish granted, but beware, if they escape, there will be retribution upon
your toes.  At night they leave slimy things along the well traveled path
to the necessary room.  In the hours of daylight, things turn up in corners
and vanish everywhere else.  Brave indeed is the soul that will face more
than one at a time.  I have heard tell of those who dealt with 10,20,30 or
more, but the tales are just too horrid, and who among us would be that
cavalier about their toes.  Care must be taken when a capture is attempted,
or toes, ankles and even noses have been known to suffer.  The rewards are
great for those daring enough to go after one of these fanciful and comical
furries.  You will be granted an endless amount of unconditional love,
many, many hours of mirth, and an everlasting supply of mouse rid.  Most
wondrous of all is the gift of eternal fuzziness.  I wish you luck on
your own capture of one of these furry beings.  May your toes be safe.
Sandy and Taz,Honey,Sugar,Tasha and Boris, the furries
[Posted in FML issue 3359]