I am so sorry to hear about so many sick babies.  I pray that all get well
soon.  I'm so sorry to hear of those that have crossed the bridge.  My
sympathy is with those Ferret moms and dads.
I first want to thank those of you that have placed bids on some of my
items recently and in the past.  Because of you, food is ordered and litter
is purchased, vet bills are paid, etc.  I have many new items on ebay right
now along with the 1996 Authentic Olympic Torch.  Many of the items are
antique, very old collectable items, then there are some odd items and a
few ferret items.  As you know, ebay is the shelters way of earning money
to pay bills, buy food, and many other things.  I will be posting tonight
and tomorrow and as I said there are some very collectable items on right
now.  I thank each and every one of you.
http:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3358]