Hi all.  I just thought I would tell you of my experience this morning
(5:30am)  I woke to my fuzzbutt choking on his food.  Good news is he was
within hearing distance from me, so I was able to save his life.  He was
gagging and didn't appear to be breathing.  So, my CPR technique was
picking him up, patting him on the back, rubbing his chest and then turning
him upside down and patting him on back.  This didn't work that I know of,
he still didn't appear to be breathing.  When he started to go limp, I
ended up sticking my finger in his mouth, down his throat and fortunately
this opened his air way.  I don't suggest doing this though.  This was my
un-prepared response to a choking ferret.  Reflecting back I should have
gotten immediately on the phone with an emergency vet to assist me.  I did
call later in the day, to prepare myself for future choking problems, and
I do hope it doesn't happen again.  She did advise me of what to do, I
don't think I could tell all of you the way she explained it to me, I'd
fail miserably , but the reason for my post is I did't expect any of my
fuzzbutts to choke on me, and it's nice to be prepared.  They have
CPR/FirstAide brochures at Vetrinary clinics.  I think it's an excellent
idea to pick one up before something like that happens.  In reading this
post it's obvious I had no clue what to do.  I wouldn't want any of you to
be faced with such a nightmare, unprepared.  So please get a brochure :o)
Maryanne, Max, Panda, and Ling
[Posted in FML issue 3357]