well we have the same problem in our house as Bobbi described.  We have 9
ferrets, and out of 9, 1 believes that litterboxes are for playing in.  She
is a so-so litterbox hitter.  I think one of the reasons she poops on the
floor so much is she doesn't want to mess up the litterbox.  To top it off
she will play in it when one of the others has already pooped in it!  YUCK!
She's deaf so yelling no doesn't work, and even after scruffing she runs
right back in.  YOu can't lock her in her cage because it belongs to 5
others, and she plays in that litterbox too!  The only good thing is its
only after I've filled them with fresh litter, which is every other day.
Usually happens around 7pm and their bedtime is 8pm.  So not much poop
before she goes in the cage to sleep.
Tysa, Dana and the Havoc Wreaking Weasies
[Posted in FML issue 3357]