I have a question for everyone... I posted to the Ferret Health List not
too long ago about kindey failure (renal failure) in my ferret Mondo.  I
received a good deal of information and it helped out greatly!
Since I didn't post my question on here, I'd like to do that.  Hind sight
being 20/20, I should have cross-posted because I'd like to know what
experience those of you have had here on the FML.  Would you mind sharing
those experiences with me?  You don't necessarily have to post them to the
FML if it is too painful but I'd really like to be as prepared as possible.
So you know, Mondo has cysts on his kidneys and his liver.  He's an eight
year old (on April 1st) Marshall Farms boy.  I've been fostering him for
the Planned Ferrethood Shelter since August of last year.  Yes, I knew
that his kidney condition was permanent and terminal.  He had a bilateral
adrenalectomy this past December 29th.  Dr. Weiss also removed the lower
lobe of his liver along with a large growth of cysts.  He is doing well
right now but I'd like to know as much as possible.  After seeing his
organs in December, Dr. Weiss gave him about 4 to 8 months.
If there's anything you can think of that would help me, I would GREATLY
appreciate it.  I don't have any experience with renal failure.
Thanks in advance for your help.  Special hugs to those who are mourning
the loss of a loved one (fuzzy and human...) and those who are currently
fighting the battle.
[Posted in FML issue 3355]