:: out of a strange mist emerges a robed woman.  Behind her little pretty
critters follow.  She stops,, looks at her bald staff.. shakes her head::
OH HI!  There you are.  ::flips off her hood:: I have the most incredible,
incredible thing to tell you all.  I saw in my vision.... a new Modern
Ferret issue to be out in the future.  I'm thinking within weeks (many?).
And do you know what I saw??  I saw.... a grinning freckled boy, with a
ferret that looks more like an otter than a ferret.  They looked connected
at the hip.  I don't know who this is... I have to examine this further.
But having a new issue of Modern Ferret in my box is exciting.  And I'm
having all these "vibes" ya know.  All these positive vibes.  This boy and
ferret are supposed to be something special they are.  Something big...
even historic in a sense.
::She smiles wistfully... and then pulls her hood back on, and dissapears
with her companions::
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[Posted in FML issue 3355]