Hi Joan and Angel:
I wanted to tell you, tank you sooooo much for your birfdey card!!  I
toughts it waz soooo beeeeutiful da ferret with da roses and you knows that
ferret does looks a little likes me, except for da coloring on the back.  I
haves more beige tone on me.  I hads a wondeful partee and gots a BIG BUNNY
thats sooo soft and cudley, but I needs help to moves him awound the woom.
Mommy and daddy wanted to puts pictures up but their camwa broke so my
hooman bwoder put it on video.
We wanted to e-mail yous but we couldn't find your e-mail adwess on your
e-mails.  So we is sendings you this Tank You on the FML and hopes you
will sees it.  Tank you again for the beeeeutiful card.
Fwom da Birfdey Girl,
[Posted in FML issue 3353]