Original post:
>I just could not believe the reply to my last posting about the jill
>remaining in heat.  April stated that she had read several sources that
>state that jills will bleed to death.  Well my source is 15 years of
>expirience.  Do you really think that mother nature would have created an
>animal that dies so easily?
Believe me, while i agree that for the pet owner with no wish to breed,
>spaying is vital, my unspayed jills will not bleed to death if i dont put
>the hob in with them straight away.  Could we please not jump to
>conclusions gained by reading vet produced reports, aimed at druming up
>more business, and instead listen to those who have years of expiriance,
>and nothing to gain from this advice.
Okay, I said my last post would be the last on this subject, but this is
really a different aspect of this.  I just have to comment on what someone
posted about veterinarian-written articles and books.
Vets are medical professionals, and while I do respect years of experience
from longtime owners and breeders, many are still laypeople, and I cannot
discount the medical expertise of a vet.  Just b/c it has not happened to
you doesn't mean it CAN'T happen.  My grandmother hasn't gotten lung cancer
from smoking, but I won't argue with all the studies by medical doctors
showing that it's a possibility...
I think it's irresponsible and rather mean to say that a vet-produced
report or book is merely aimed at drumming up business.  How offensive to
people whose life's work it has been to care for animals and study them!
Do you think Dr. Williams or the many other vets who have contributed to
this site are only here to "drum up business"?  What a slap in the face to
these knowledgable, caring professionals.  I certainly don't think that
every vet who publishes information on ferrets is out to just get more
business for their practice-I'm certainly not traveling with my ferrets
to California just because I read an informative book by a CA vet...
Again, I respect the expertise of longtime owners and breeders, but that
doesn't take the place of veterinary medical advice or make it obsolete.
Also, yes, I do believe mother nature would create animals that die
easily-many animals that do not mate in the wild die.  As for general easy
dying created by M. N., has anyone heard of the lemming?
'Nuff said.
Agreeing to disagree,
[Posted in FML issue 3353]