SOS has recently been 'gifted' with a web site design, which thrills our
little hearts just all to pieces.  But the subject of our 'logo' came up
and we don't have one.
Therefore..., we would like to run a logo creating contest, and as with any
contest - there will be prizes!
Those with ideas for a suitable logo for Support Our Shelters, please
send them to me, Georgia Wood.  They can be sent jpg to our e-mail,
<[log in to unmask]> or snail mailed to 1673 N Jantzen Ave, Portland OR
SOS thanks you for your participation.
Message from Kouri...
Vote for Stormy!
Vote from both sites, twice per hour (that's 4 total votes per hour)
every hour, till March 10th!
Go Stormy!
[Posted in FML issue 3351]