Here is my story, there is a woman i work w/who's son has already given up
2 ferrets a good year or more ago, because i had/have them.  I lost Athena
(her given name when she came to me) (I think she just gave up on finding a
permanent home, and someone to love her, as she and Hera, (also a given
name when they came to live w/me, cause neither had names.) Athena quit
eating, and i being a new fert owner myself at the time was at a loss what
2 do, or where to turn, until i found the fml, through the internet, some
frantic searching, and some very good people who refered me.  FOR THIS I
Well to try to make a long story short, this son now has 2 children, a wife
AND another ferret!  They are trying to litter box train to 100% so the
children do not get into the poopies, and what i have heard from MOM, is
I am requesting that anyone w/suggestions please email me privately in a
manner that i can print and present this to MOM, to pass on to her son,
leaving out any comments, other than your suggestions on how u trained
your ferret (s) for litter box, INSIDE CAGE ONLY.
If u wish to express yourself in any other manner, please make your remarks
to the fml, and the sympathetic readers, or a 2nd email to me would work
too.  I would like to print the letters up and bring them to work, and
that is why i am requesting separate emails.  MOM, seemed sensitive to the
suggestions i had already made, may be a delicate circumstance
i HAD to send this post, as i am very concerned.  I have a ferret
collective already, and have heard some local abuse stories, that have
ripped me to my soul.  I just cannot help but feel in my heart that i "may"
have another ferret someday, because she was untrainable, or under other
circumstances.  I have invested a lot of time and money into providing a
loving home for my fuzzies!  Most of them were given to me, and i am
watching one of them, slowly move from this life into the next, but i am
glad that he came to me, Odie and his cage mate Samson.  I got to love on
Odie for better than a year now, and we are both fighting old age, i w/b 50
this year!  I am at the point where i almost dare not go into a pet store,
for there are babies there almost all the time, and of course, the ferret
math bit me again, i have Prometheus, Romulus and Remus, the same day, and
Epimetheus came to me from my loving daughter who told me to rescue not
purchase anymore!  CAUSE SHE THINKS I HAVE ENOUGH?  Eppie, has a curl to
his lip, so he is a little odd looking?  We don't care!  I have specially
ordered a rather large cage to the tune of half of my meager savings
to provide a good home for them, thank goodness for commission sales
sometimes!  I am hoping to receive it by next week, as i am already
getting new beds and toys for it.
Well, i have already gotten off the MAIN subject for this post, but if any
of u really do care, please help me to help someones little ferret!  Thank
you all, i don't post much, lurk more, but enjoy the stories, I hope
someday when my daughter gets married and in her own home to convert her
bedroom to a room for my babies, till then, they are under supervision for
3-4-5 or more hours a day, depending on who is home and for how long.
Once again, thank you all
Donna, and her ferret collective
[Posted in FML issue 3351]