I have an 8 month old Angora ferret, Loki, who was born with a stub tail
(Marc Morrone at Parrots of the World told me he'd had him x-rayed to
make sure this was a birth condition, not an accident).
Not only has the lack of tail not bothered him, it actually makes him
really cute - when he gets excited or is trying something like jumping
off the sofa (but still thinking about it) he wags it fast, like a cocker
spaniel.  I also notice that when something grabs his attention it'll
stand up perpendicular to his body, but normally it just droops relaxed.
Of course, being the walking haystack he is, sometimes it's hard to spot
it at all!  Kind of like his legs, too, actually, which makes him fun to
watch when he runs around the room!
- Mike
[Posted in FML issue 3351]