Hi everyone,
first of all to BIG...if you feel this post might result in an uproar on
the FML, please feel free to delete it.  I will understand completely.
Now..assuming that this post has made to the list...I have a question about
breeding.  This post is just my opinion.  Why are people breeding when
there are so many ferrets in shelters across the US and other places that
are waiting for homes?  Every shelter out there has more than they can
handle because people give up the ferret that they bought and are now
unable to keep it for whatever reason.  I am seeing posts from people that
do not seem to have a clue about ferrets, much less about breeding them.
Aren't there enough ferrets out there without adding more to the pot?
Especially ferrets being bred by people that don't know what breeding
ferrets entails.  We will never be able to stop the big companies from
breeding but why do private people insist on breeding ferrets knowing that
there is already shelters full of ferrets?  Again, this is just my opinion.
This is not an attack on anyone.  Just can't figure the whole thing out.
Special prayers to all that have ever lost a fuzzy and all the sick fuzzies
out there.  Special prayers also to all the wonderful people who rescue,
run shelters and foster these wonderful little animals.  Without you, alot
of little precious fuzzies would be in alot of trouble.
Pat L.
[Moderator's note: While I don't condone breeding without prior research,
I should point out the posts you are probably referring to weren't from
the US, but from Israel.  Ferrets are not at all as common there.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3351]