Hi: My daughter brought me a nutured male Ferret, who I love from the first
time I helded him.  I named him Coonie.  I want to take the best of care of
my new Buddy.  I am an animal lover.  There lives in this Zoo, one parrot,
one shephard, one little shiitzu, one hand hatch raise Ginnie..  Now I
would like to find a collar for coonie, I brought a small cat collar, but
he slips it off.  Could some kind of a harness fit them better.??  I took
him for a walk outside in the grass, all was well, was very carefull, and
he loved it.  What is there temperture, that they are most conforable at?
I am feeding him IAMS< with the treats of raisens fruits mixed in.  Where
do you get the vitamins.I sent for a ferret book, got a bird book, haha!
What type of house is the best fo them, he is in a cage now for a while,
till I find one, where he have more room, thro, I take him out to play.
He plays with my shtizu Panda, very well.  I want the best for him.  I s
it alright to leave him overnite or 2.  I leave the dogs, don't stay away
any longer, my animal family don't want there mom to be gone at all.
Should I fix a room for him?  He may get out, He is long and slinky, I
think he needs more weight.  he is young.  Any help you can give me, will
be very much appreciated.  yes he has a hamock .
Thanks in advance, Good to meet such carring folks.
[Posted in FML issue 3350]