You always here of the home accidents, but never think they'll happen to
you.  Well, it has happened.
I helped my precious Tooley over the Bridge on Friday night.  She had been
"wasting" away for the last two weeks (even with all the food she ate).
She was developing tumors as well.  She never lost her little spirit
I came home on Friday to find her hanging from her hammy.  Even though I
had recently clipped her nails, she caught two of them in the hammy and
when she flipped out, became intangled.  The way she flipped managed to
pull her shoulder out of its socket and twisted her poor little leg all
the way around.
Rather than watch her suffer through her cancer and having a broken
leg/shoulder, I chose to help her suffer no more.  I held her and told her
to go on and look for Annie and Cyanne.  She had never met them, but I knew
that they would all get along and dook fine together.  She gave me one last
lick and her heart stopped a short time later.
Sandee, take care of her.
Please, keep your ferts nails trimmed.  Tooleys had been trimmed just a
week before, but accidents do happen and if you can prevent them by
something so simple as trimming, please do it.
[Posted in FML issue 3348]