Truly speechless.  When I told him what Kit (and Stormy, and Sharon the
mommy) had done, he just stared at me.  Then he yawned and rolled over.
But I guess he thought about it while he napped, because when he got up
he said that all photos must be taken from his right side, because Milo
bit off one of his left whiskers, about halfway, and he's very sensitive
about it!
Later I heard him giving Milo what for.  Probably going on about the
whisker and telling Milo he expected him to join and Milo wasn't having
any of that.  When I looked for Welly, he had, as usual at the first sign
of trouble, thrown himself belly-up in the litter box!
Cheyenne and Angel, known around here as the 'sable trouble twins' acted
like typical little sisters.  They ran up to Kouri and one of them licked
her paw and put it against Kouri's backside, while the other one went
"ssssstt".  Then they ran away giggling.  Kouri looked befuddled and I
didn't have the heart to tell him it was an act of disdane.
Georgia - the left coast one...
PS:  Vote for Stormy
[Posted in FML issue 3347]