Okay... I am sooo upset... I have 10 ferrets in my home right now... 7
of them own me and, as I like to say... 3 of them rent me... they are
fosters... Gracie, she's an OLLLLD girl almsot 8 but healthy and active...
AMAZING... then there is Chip..  he's had some shake ups... he had a
bilateral adrenal surgery and a partial pancreatectomy (sp), he's doing
wonderfullly now... he's a big fatso... but he's as healthy as can be
expected with his history and he's also very LOVED and spoiled here...
and last but DEFINATELY not least... there is Dale... Dale, I suspect is
part of the reason Chip and Dale were so hard to place... he is a total
sweetheart, no nipping, cuddles and kisses for me apon demand...=o)...
the thing about Dale is that even when people go to the shelter to adopt
a furkid they want a pretty one and well dale he's an oddball... he has a
very strange lump on his head, it feels like bone and is NO problem as far
as health goes... Im told its NOT a tumor and he doesnt pay attention to
it, we dont either anymore... he's our miniature underdeveloped unicorn...
hehehhe... but none of that is the problem... Dales' health has been slowly
deteriorating, he has an appointment with Dr Weis this month but he seems
to be getting worse ... I am soooo worried about his little self... The
HONEST truth about my little foster babies is that I couldnt love them more
if they upgraded to own from their current rent status... We had a shake up
with Chip about 2 weeks after he came to live with me and I was in tears on
the phone with the vet....
so, today... I was talking to one of my BEST friends, a NON ferret owned
hoomin... I was telling him how worried I am about my little Dale... about
my midnight feedings, meds and hug sessions with Dale... and my friend
replied... "Isnt dale JUST one of the ferrets you foster, he's not even
yours is he??"... I guess I am posting here, because I feel so frustrated
right now... My friend just dint understand how much I love these guys...
how they are part of the family... Maybe I just need to vent about this
incident... These guys (all of them) are kinda like my extended family... I
get babysitters for them when I go away for the day... their food is on MY
grocery list... I know I dont need to say all this to you guys... its just
part of my "getting over it" process... my friends reaction really hurt my
feelings tonight... he wanted me to stay out later tonight than I could
(med time)... I dint mind going, I WANTED to come home to be with my little
sick guy... to hug him and feed him and let him run around and play if he
wanted to... I did leave, but I am still hurt by the lack of understanding
my friend had for my concern about a LOVED family member.
they are NOT just fosters, they are family!!  (that's what I said to him
(my friend) right before I left tonight)... I think he might have got that!
well, I thank you for allowing me this forum to share, vent and be
understood... I have taken, learned and cried quite a bit with this
mailing list... thanks for all of it!!
Cheers, dooks... and OH NO , more pediapred!!
[Posted in FML issue 3347]