I'm sorry to hear so many losing fur kids this week, My condolences to you
suffering through the hurt.
An introduction
Ok, I'm a sucker for a furry face..
I have a new co-worker whom has noticed my car license plate, which says
"ferrets".  He tells me his mother-in-law has ferrets, would I like to see
them, He said," They don't do much just sleep."  I agree to take a look,
muttering under my breath," I can see this now."
There were three fuzz kids; cute white female DEW named "Angel", about
three years old.  There was a sable male named "Loki."  He was a chubby
guy who just rolled over to see who had the new voice.  Then there was
""Lucifer" A four year old chubby guy, with cinnamon coat and a unmarked
They all had toe nails that almost curled under their feet, none had been
out of the cage for seven to eight months.
I showed the lady how to clip nails and clean filthy ears.  She seemed
surprised someone knew about ferrets, about toe nails, and ears, and
The next thing I knew I heard "my" voice asking her If she'd surrender
them to me.
ACK, I thought, how in the world would I swing yet another cage, another
three fuzzy butts, and maybe another play schedule?
About that time Loki, the shy one was grooming my left ear-.  The bond was
there, the deal was set.
Thank goodness the lady was surprised Loki was showing affection of any
kind.  She did recognize they needed care, and love.
Off I went three "new" fur kids, (OH Lord, what have I done now..!?)
These kids have little muscle tone, but they are so excited to be "out",
such play..lol  We've been home for several hours, the new kids are duking,
playing in tubes, my fishing hat, my jacket, play boxes, they are being
ferrets.  and they all give kisses, they are just spell bound if you hold
and talk to them.
Lucifer is now napping in my lap.  Angel is STILL playing, Loki is still
rolling in the play dish pan. :}  It's a good weekend.
David & Fuzzy Kids
Hey...! Stop by my home page, visit my Ferret kids. See all the cute fuzzy
little ferret kids.....
Sir Trouble Esq. <the BIG 'ol softie>
Lady Miss Fitt<the smart one of the group>
Princess PeeWee <Daddys Princess>
Alice <Queen of the fluffy kids>
MoeZilla <the blanketmole>
Dweezle <the never ending bundle of energy>
And Blossom <the three legged blur from Hell, nothing stopps her>
and of course,
Mysti <daddys lap buddy>
And introducing "Angel" The Dew
Loki, the shy one
And Lucifer, the big old love bug
See them all at:
Visit my Fishing page at: http://bones2000.virtualave.net/
[Posted in FML issue 3373]