Hi all-
I've recently signed up at my local animal shelter as a volunteer.  One
of the activities in which I'd like to participate (and one that they need
the most help with) is "small animal socialization." Specifically, this
involves spending and working with guinea pigs, rabbits, hedgehogs, and of
course ferrets.  :-) I'm really excited about this as the small animals
there really don't get much attention (which leads many of them to be less
'friendly' with people and thus less likely to be adopted).
I have two ferts at home.  My question is this: In the handling of these
animals, what should be my concerns regarding the safety and health of my
own ferts?  What could I "pick up," bring home, and unknowingly transfer
to my little ones?  Is ADV my only concern?  Also, what is the best way
to ensure nothing bad _does_ happen?  Would it be sufficient to wash the
clothes I wore to the shelter and bathe before playing with my ferts?  I
really want to help these other little ones but I don't want to put my own
ferrets at risk.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in
Presley and Farley
(sending our prayers out to all of the ailing fuzzies out there)
[Posted in FML issue 3372]