April wrote:
>Second, why does Tim F. feel the need to constantly insult people on this
>list?  Good grief-if you think we're so awful for keeping ferrets strictly
>as pets, WHY ON EARTH do you continue to frequent the FML, to which so
>many of us dumb Americans subscribe?  ("We Brittish [sic] should be proud
>of the fact that only us and the aussies [sic] can use ferrets for what
>they were intended for, and not as cosseted powder puff pets.")
Ah, but is the gent British?  What raised-on-tatters-and-mash-Brit would
spell "British" with two "t"s, even in jest?  Gram Salisbury wound have
given him what-for!
Frankly, I figure that "intended for" when applied by a human to another
living critter HAS to taken with a grain of salt (in the wound?).  After
all, what are YOU "intended for", or Tim "intended for" for that matter.
Could it be that he is just being sardonic due to a slip during a running
jump for wry humor?
[Posted in FML issue 3372]